Why 'the Board Whisperer'?

A series of conversations with different people kept coming up with the same thing. 

A connection call with someone where I described what I do. 

A client in a 121 personality deep dive

A client in a 5Voices communications workshop

All said ‘oh wow, you are like a board whisperer’. 

One continued ‘you have a superpower to see inside someone in a heartbeat to see how they tick, and then show them their own superpower’

And when I do this with a group of people, they can begin to understand how each other tick.

Where and why there is synergy and ease of relationships.

And where they might be underlying conflict - and how to resolve it. 

Understanding human behaviour and how we tick has been a long standing passion of mine.

I truly believe that when you understand yourself -  who you are by nature and how nurture and your environment has shaped who you are - you can start to be more intentional with the way you lead yourself and your teams .

You're much better able to understand what really makes you happy. where your strengths are and what your superpowers are which is when we are able to understand basic pillars of our personalities.

  • We can lean into them more AND be more productive. 

  • We can be better at our job. 

  • We can have more energy.

  •  And when you can really see yourself, you're able to see who others are too - AND, where there may be synergy. 

The synergy vs the conflict

There are those people with whom you immediately click with. It is rare that you struggle to communicate with or work with them.

And then there are those people where there may be conflict and that you clash and you rub each other up the wrong way. 

Over the past couple of years I’ve studied personality profiles. I’m a 5Voices master practitioner, which means I can dig deep into who you are and how you will work at your best, and communicate with others. 

Everyone I work with takes the 5 Voices leadership assessment. Once I have their voice order then I can help them to understand themselves and why they behave the way they do.

Understanding yourself is key to leading yourself.

I offer a 5 Voices workshop where I go through everyone's voice orders and how they can work together and how to deal with conflict when it arises in an emotionally intelligent way of coming from an angle of understanding the other person’s personality DNA and how best to deliver and handle difficult conversations when they arise. 

I can  show people who they are, what it's like to be on the other side of them.  It  allows me to understand the intricate team dynamics of a board and be able to resolve conflict and stop it happening in the first place.

And when dominant voices are prevalent on the board, they will start to shape the culture of the whole organisation - which isn’t always the best thing…. Watch out for my summer series on the prevailing cultures in organisations. Coming next week!

If you'd like to see me at work and prove your senior leadership team productivity and integration get in touch. 

If you’d like to find your own leadership voice, click here for my free assessment


How, and why, to accept a compliment graciously


Transform Your Business and Life with Leadership Coaching: Hear from a Satisfied Client